The main takeaway here comes from page 39 of the Transportation section of the DEIR: “TR Impact 3: Buildout of the Specific Plan Area would exceed the County VMT (vehicle miles travelled) thresholds and therefore would not be consistent with State CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3(b). VMT per employee would be incrementally reduced compared to existing conditions; however, the project-related increase in residential VMT per capita and overall VMT would exceed the County VMT thresholds. Impacts would be significant and unavoidable (Class I).”
- The last traffic survey was completed in 2018, before the ramp widening and signalization at Tefft. No new traffic studies were completed after this 2018 survey, despite the report being prepared for NKT, LLC in July 2021.
- The traffic study assumed signalization at Willow and US101, which is not within project plans. With the existing + project this interchange will operate unacceptably without signalization.
- The traffic study assumes the improvements that were not completed yet in 2018 would benefit the existing + project scenarios, but this has not been adequately studied.
- Under existing + project scenarios, portions of Tefft/US101 would operate unacceptably during at least one peak hour under all scenarios.
- All freeway segments operate unacceptably during one peak hour in all scenarios.
- The North frontage segment is at max limit for a two-lane road with existing + project scenarios, with additional high-density housing (89 low-income homes will be built on Magenta near the corner of Mary and Juniper), which is not factored in. Future planning for this road should take place now, instead of in the future, when the road is over max capacity.
There are two project entries (Collectors A and B) planned along Willow Road between Hetrick Avenue and the Willow Road/US 101 ramps, and two project entries from the south (Collectors A and B) planned at North Frontage Road and along Pomeroy Road between Calimex Place and Sandydale Drive. For coordinated buildout of the proposed land uses, public infrastructure, public services, and community amenities the project would include the following off-site transportation-related improvements (see Figure 2-4 in Chapter 2, Project Description):
- An extension of North Frontage Road at the southeast corner of the Specific Plan Area from Sandydale Drive to Willow Road. This improvement would be completed as a part of the project, providing site access from two of the four project entries. This improvement must be completed as part of the first phase of development and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10) and the village commercial, flex commercial, hotel, and educational uses. Left-turn lanes would also be provided at intersections along Collector A.
- Widening of Willow Road and signalization at the Willow Road/Collector A intersection within existing ROW areas. This improvement must be completed as part of the first phase of development and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10) and the village commercial, flex commercial, and educational uses.
- Restriping and one-way stop-control at the Willow Road/Collector B intersection within existing ROW areas. This improvement must be completed as part of the second phase of development and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 7, 8, and 9). • Improvements/paving at the Cherokee Place/Collectors A and B intersections. These improvements must be completed as part of the first and second phases of development, respectively, and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 and Neighborhoods 7, 8, and 9, respectively). Although the road will not provide the fastest or most convenient route to most destinations, a small amount of project traffic may use the route to access neighborhoods off Hetrick Avenue. Road maintenance concerns would be addressed through a private road maintenance agreement entered into by owners of the access road easement or adjacent parcel owners. This requirement would be included in the Development Agreement.
- Removal/closure of the privately maintained Hetrick Avenue access from Pomeroy Road and provision of a new access to Hetrick Avenue from Collector B. This improvement must be 4.17-35 Dana Reserve Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report Section 4.17 Transportation completed as part of the second phase of development and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 7, 8, and 9).
- Restriping and one-way stop control at the Pomeroy Road/Collector B intersection within existing ROW areas. This improvement must be completed as part of the second phase of development and prior to certificate of occupancy for the residential uses (i.e., Neighborhoods 7, 8, and 9).
- Emergency access at Hetrick Avenue and Cory Way.
No new traffic lights will be installed as part of the project. Cumulative traffic impacts will be addressed through the payment of the adopted South County Traffic Impact Fee based on the latest adopted Fee Area 1 schedule and the number of net new weekday PM peak hour trips as estimated based on the trip generation letter.
The VMT analysis concluded that the project’s estimated VMT (vehicle miles travelled) per Employee and residential VMT per capita are higher than the regional averages and that the project would generate an increase in regional VMT. Thus, buildout of the Specific Plan Area would exceed County VMT Thresholds of Significance and result in a significant impact.
Link to Transportation EIR Section: Report.aspx#:~:text=Recreation-,4%2D17%20Transportation,-Transportation