August Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 3
The Dana Reserve (DR) mega-development claims they want to do their part to ease the housing crisis, yet they are not addressing the real need as identified by the Regional Housing Needs Allocation RHNA which clearly states the county has ALREADY surpassed its goal for “above moderate-income” homes constructed, by over 1500 houses. What we need is housing in for the very-low to moderate income population.
In one of the most dense urban housing developments yet in Nipomo, the Dana Reserve proposes another organization shoulder the cost to build 104 units right next to 101, which follows the traditional model of positioning lower income families in high traffic, noise and polluted sections of lands. The balance of the homes will cost between $600K-$1.2 million, adding to the surplus of housing for higher income families in SLO County. This amounts to less than 10% of the overall number of homes being proposed.
In a recent Guest editorial in The Tribune, Herb Kandel makes an important point, “Let’s not subscribe to the false narrative pitting precious natural habit against critical affordable housing.”
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Dr. Stephanie Pincetl PhD, Professor and Founding Director of the California Center for Sustainable Communities within the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA, was the guest speaker at Nipomo Action Committee’s community meeting on July 9. Dr. Pincetl has written extensively about California land use, environmental justice, habitat conservation efforts, water and energy policy. Her book, Transforming California, the Political History of Land Use in the State, is the definitive work on land use politics and policies of California.
Dr. Pincetl has also written a letter to the Co. Board of Supervisors. In her letter, among other criticisms of the Dana Reserve, she points out an important aspect of the development process: “As the developer is not the builder, there is no assurance that the land uses proposed will be those the builder follows through with, further, there is no evidence that this development will incorporate the highest and most sustainable building and other practices.”
“The proposal … will generate absolute vehicle miles traveled, destroy oak habitat that is not substitutable or mitigable … and perpetuate segregation and exposure of lower-income populations to higher sources of emissions.” You can access her letter on the Supporters page of our website.
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On July 24, Supervisor Jimmy Paulding was present for, and introduced a process of community input on the Dana Reserve. The developer, Nick Tompkins, made a 30-40 minute presentation, and then the public was invited to make comments. About 250 people attended, and about 75% of those who spoke, were against the Dana Reserve as it is currently being proposed. The South County Advisory Council (SCAC) will be making a decision on whether or not to recommend this development to the Planning Commission, before their meeting on August 30 and 31st.
Final EIR to be released to public on August 4. It will be available on the County’s website.
NAC has a committee of experts ready to begin analyzing the EIR and preparing for public comments and/or possible legal action. The CA Native Plant Society (CNPS) and the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) have already submitted very detailed and scathing criticisms of how anemic and inadequate the DRAFT EIR is. You can access the letters here on the Supporters page of our website.

Next Public Meeting on Dana Reserve Sunday August 6th at 4:00 p.m.
Community Room at Blacklake (498 Colonial Place, Nipomo)

Please take the time to access both letters from CNPS and CBD letters for key talking points for your letters to the Planning Commission. Contact the NAC nipomoaction@gmail.com, if you’d us to send you another list of important issues and talking points for your letters. Letters should be sent ASAP!

For More Information: www.stopdanareserve.com
Get Your Green T-Shirts: Suequilting@gmail.com
Get Your Yard Signs: Nipomoaction@gmail.com